Trustees Commission Musical Praise to Doctrinal Statement

 Guest Writer, T.P. Zinjanthropus

The Board of Trustees of Juniperview University has commissioned award-winning composer Dr. Scott Sommershell to compose an extended musical ode in praise of the institution's doctrinal statement.  Dr. Sommershell, who also serves as Juniperview's Dean of Program Disintegration, outlined his plans for the piece.

"It will be impressive.  Like the music from Call of Duty, only better, louder.  It will be orchestra and choir, drums, so many drums, and just a wall of sound.  Like a line of battle tanks bearing down on you, only just this is the tanks of doctrine."

Trustee Flut Butterson, commenting after a national pastors' luncheon, agreed. "Movies get that extra oomph from a great music soundtrack.  This thing will give us that oomph in our doctrine.  We need that!  Each time we sign it, recite it, talk about it, we'll be thinking, you know, bahm, bah-bah-bah baaaahhhm," remarked Butterson between mouthfuls of barbeque.

Sommershell's project includes theatrical elements. 

"We'll need to design a flag. We have that huge American flag, but we need a bigger flag, a doctrine flag.  We're loyal to America but even more loyal to the doctrinal statement. So we plan to make a great big flag and have it come unrolling from the ceiling right at the end of my piece," he said, growing animated. "And that's when I want everyone to stand up and do that ceiling hands thing the kids do. Then we want our ROTC boys to present arms, and all the faculty will salute the new flag with a special salute. I will conduct the whole thing from way up high on a platform." 

The newly-formed School of Domestic Prosperity, Family Relations, and Culinary Arts has been assigned the task of creating the flag. 

The debut performance is scheduled for Good Friday in 2014.

Juniperview University

Juniperview University